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Navy For Newbies[]


There are basically 2 ways to start your navy, a)merchant start, or b)training

  • Merchant start: You can follow Duno's merchanting guide here. Basically it's build a cutter first, then get to your desired destination (for asia america map combination, most effective place is san jose, you can also try ponta delgado/tegucigalpa). You must set your hometown to your desired merchant buying location by disembarking your navy character from any ships. This way you can sell your cutter/schooner/clipper after you finish sending your merchants to location and end up in the place where you buy your merchant straight away, saving time, and ships. This is a repetitive process until you get to your target gold to start building ships and buying crews. Always buy crews at excellent level if you are doing it this way as you can get gold quite easy.
  • Training start: Buy a schooner or proa or cutter and buy sufficient good crews and start your day! Keep doing it till you have enough gold to buy bigger ships, more crews, and keep clicking the raid village button. It will take thousands of clicks for you to get to what you wished and the amount of gold needed, and time consuming. 1 advantage is you train your crews when you are ranking up too, so you should have quite a number of superbs when you reach Sr Post Captain to start looking for target.

Basic knowledge:

  1. There are 2 type of fleets you can make, a squadron and a convoy. Convoy can be made by all ranks, and it can fill up to 8 ships in a fleet, and you cannot attack others when you are in convoy mode. For squadron, only Sr Post Captain or above will be able to make it, 5 ships is maximum in a fleet, and it can be used to attack other ships.
  2. To get to Sr PC(Post Captain), you need to get either 10k xp in navy, or have the highest fp(points you win when you sink an enemy’s ship) in your country when RA(rear admiral) rank is available.
  3. 1 gun crew can be in charge of 2 guns. Eg, a schooner has 6 guns, so you need only 3 gun crews maximum to have all guns functioning.
  4. During a 1 ship vs 1 ship battle, only 1 side of the guns will be used to fire. Eg, a schooner has 6 guns, but during a 1v1 fight, schooner will only fire 3 guns per hit, so 2 gun crews are sufficient to make the ship fully functional.
  5. Ever wonder why you ships got detached suddenly when you were sailing? This is related to wind. If you see the wind indicator is blinking, that means your ship has a chance(how high the chance is depends on how strong the wind is) to get detached. I don’t know the exact number, but it starts blinking 1.6+.
  6. A transport with land army on it cannot pass a blockade even though you do not have war with the country, the only blockade you can pass is your ally’s blockade.
  7. To determine where you want your ship to go to when you capture it, you have to look at your hometown of the ship you use to capture. All ships’ hometown can be changed except merchant.
  8. Flagship means the ship the navy commander is embarked on. It is particularly useful to identify which one is the flagship during navy pvp. In order to find out which one is flagship, you can click on the blue coloured number under “crew” during battle.

Ship Building part: This part will talk about the ships you build and some advantages. But first of all, you need to decide what role you want to play, there’s a few examples:

  1. Navy transporter: this sounds easy but it is very important to the country if they are to do well. Basically you just need to build 1-2 schooner/clippers and fill the rest of of ship slots with transports. You can build big transports in Russia/Peru(if we’re playing America/Asia map, check navy guide to see which country offers big transports) at the start of the age. They are good to have because they have more mp, thus can sail further. A transporter must be fast in sailing while making sure all ships stay in convoy when you are moving. People will try to get you and sink your main if you are slow.
  2. Small ships pvper: you don’t need to much gold if you want to pvp small ships only. They are cheaper and need less ticks to build so there should be alot of targets available. However, pvp small ships depends alot on luck, there’s no surprise if you have superb crews on board but losing to a ship with excellents only. You can also help in moving transports when required.
  3. Almost all range pvper: this will depend on how big the range you want to cover. A combination of 40 gun War Galleon, 28 gun Frigate, barque, 14 gun War junk, 12 gun Brig, Clipper/Schooner gives you possibility to hit from schooner to a 64 guns SOTL, or even 74 guns SOTL if it is trained down enough. The only ships you can`t hit are proa, Frigate fleets, and SOTL fleets. This will require quite a number of gold to build the ships and get the crews needed to fully fill all your ships.
  4. Frigate fleet: This kind of player will have all Frigates filling their ships slot. They do not have too many targets available and are rare, depending on ages. 28 guns and 36 guns Frigates are the most popular ones on sea. A skilled Frigate fleeter can even take 2 city forts down.
  5. SOTL fleet: They are fleets with highest number of guns ingame. They primary objective if to kill the city forts and bombard the land army inside the city. But many has become trainer only because they either do not have the time to try to catch land army at harbour, or they are too afraid of losing their ships.(or are tired of begging for crew over and over again, and therefore have no other options)

Now we go to advantages|disadvantages of some ships available:##Proa - very good for crew training, cheap.

    1. Schooner - cheap, built in 1 tick, lots of mp.
    2. Galley - high crew|low hull/mp compared to schooner.
    3. Clipper - ship with most mp ingame, can hit ships ranging from schooner to convoy of schooner and 2 merchants|need 2 ticks to build.
    4. 12g Brig - high crew/sail,available from ingame pirates|low hull.
    5. 14g Brig - lower crew/sail|high hull.
    6. 14g War Junk - more crews than 16g WJ, better for boarding enemies’ ship|less hull.
    7. Sloop of War - high crew/hull|lower sail.
    8. Barque -available from ingame pirates.
    9. Corvette - high hull|low crew/sail.
    10. Xebec - good to travel during bad wind,high sail|low hull.
    11. 28g Frigate - frig with most mp, available from ingame pirates|low hull.
    12. 32g Frigate - not ideal in navy pvp, basically worthless and waste time to build.
    13. 36g Frigate - available from ingame pirates, high crew count, good to board War Galleon|low mp.
    14. 40g War Galleon - high hull, good to sink 36g frigs|low crew count, easy to get captured.
    15. Turtleship - high hull and sail|only available in a few countries.
    16. 64g SOTL - available everywhere, SOTL with most mp/sail|doing least damage when bombing land army.
    17. 74g SOTL - high hull/crew|only available in a few countries, lower mp.
    18. 80g SOTL - do most damage during bombarding|only in spain, low mp/hull, expensive.

Note: the advantages/disadvantages are compared according to ships with similar or near strength. Ships will higher hull are more suitable for sinking during pvp while ships with more crews are more suitable to attempt boarding, but condition might change depending on how you and enemy crew the ship.Navy pvp part: This is the most fun part in KnC, in my opinion, if you know how to play well, else it’ll be very frustrating. 1 thing good about navy is you don’t have to depend on activity or response of other players like during SFs etc. You only need some ships and online to enjoy this part of the game. There are a few things that will decide whether you win the pvp, or lose, they are a)the ship you use, b)skill of your crews, c)how you crew your ship, and luck. Luck is more important during small ship pvp such as schooners/clippers. As the size of guns increases, other factors become more important, but don’t be surprise if you have everything set up perfectly but still lose, because this is the mechanism of the game :P#*Ship you use:
You can hit ships with strength ranging from 0.7 to 2.0. If you notice you won’t be able to hit ship with 0.7 strength, train your ship down a little and problem will be solved. It is not wise to hit ships that is much more superior than you, even if it is in 2.0 range, unless the target didn’t crew their ship. If you insists of doing so, try to sink/capture the flagship first, then escape from battle. This way the target’s ships will be seperated and you can hit them 1 by 1.

    • Skill of your crews:
      Normally, players will fill their ships with excellent crews. So unless you are trying to capture ingame pirates’ ships, always crew your ships with excellents or you have no chance to win a pvp at all. It is always important to train your crews to higher level. You can train them buy using proa or merchant if your ship slots if fully filled. Another way to train crews is trying to drag your battle to as many rounds as possible, especially if you are hitting ships without crew. The more rounds your crew battles, the chance of them raising their skill is higher. However, it will be tricky if you hit players’ ship with crew, it’s advisable to finish the battle asap as the longer you go, the higher the chance something bad might happen (such as losing masks, or suddenly your crews aren’t hitting the target) and risk losing.
    • How you crew your ship:
      There is no 100% guide on how you should crew your ship for battle, as you can never anticipate how your enemy crew theirs, it will come with experience. I can only give you a few common situations as guideline.
    • Sinking:
      For 1v1 battles, always fill the ship with 1 sided gun crews only, and fill the rest with sailors. You can also remove support crews and add even more sailors to give you a slightly better chance in completing your task.

      For fleet battles, normally you have to fill your ship with 2 sided gun crews, and the rest with sailors. There are also circustamces where only 1 sided gun crews is needed, such as when your intention is to sink the flagship only, and then hit other ships 1 by 1 after the fleet got disbanded. Having 1 sided gun crews only will increase your chance of sinking the flagship faster, while leaving other ships untouched so you can hit them later. Ships that you’ve hit during battle will have pvp protection for 6 ticks if the enemy did not move the ship or attack again.
    • Capturing:
      For 1v1 battles, crew your ship with 1 sided gun crews, then 3-7 marines, depending on the size of your ship, bigger ships will need more marines as they will encounter more crews during boarding, and the rest with sailors. Once you’re engaged in battle, only concentrate on hitting the target’s sail, then you can try boarding when you have 40+% boarding chances, you can go higher if your ship still has alot of hull, then start praying you will board successfully in the first few tries. You can fail to board 6-7 times and get your ship sunk even if your boarding chance is 50+%, if you’re unlucky.
      Another way is by crewing your ship with purely sailors or sailors+some marines and try boarding once you’re in battle. You must make sure you are the attacker or your ship is gone for sure.

For fleet battles, there are a few ways, one of them is to crew your ship with 1 sided gun crews, then 5-15 marines depending on the size of the fleet, and the rest with sailors. Another way is crew 1 of your ships with marines and sailors only, and others with 1 sided gun crews and the rest with sailors, and use the ship with gun crews to hit sail while your marine ship with the purpose to board only. There are other ways too, it’ll depend on your own creativity.

Basic knowledge:

  1. There are 2 type of fleets you can make, a squadron and a convoy. Convoy can be made by all ranks, and it can fill up to 8 ships in a fleet, and you cannot attack others when you are in convoy mode. For squadron, only Sr Post Captain or above will be able to make it, 5 ships is maximum in a fleet, and it can be used to attack other ships.
  2. To get to Sr PC(Post Captain), you need to get either 10k xp in navy, or have the highest fp(points you win when you sink an enemy’s ship) in your country when RA(rear admiral) rank is available.
  3. 1 gun crew can be in charge of 2 guns. Eg, a schooner has 6 guns, so you need only 3 gun crews maximum to have all guns functioning.
  4. During a 1 ship vs 1 ship battle, only 1 side of the guns will be used to fire. Eg, a schooner has 6 guns, but during a 1v1 fight, schooner will only fire 3 guns per hit, so 2 gun crews are sufficient to make the ship fully functional.
  5. Ever wonder why you ships got detached suddenly when you were sailing? This is related to wind. If you see the wind indicator is blinking, that means your ship has a chance(how high the chance is depends on how strong the wind is) to get detached. I don’t know the exact number, but it starts blinking 1.6+.
  6. A transport with land army on it cannot pass a blockade even though you do not have war with the country, the only blockade you can pass is your ally’s blockade.
  7. To determine where you want your ship to go to when you capture it, you have to look at your hometown of the ship you use to capture. All ships’ hometown can be changed except merchant.
  8. Flagship means the ship the navy commander is embarked on. It is particularly useful to identify which one is the flagship during navy pvp. In order to find out which one is flagship, you can click on the blue coloured number under “crew” during battle.

Ship Building part: This part will talk about the ships you build and some advantages. But first of all, you need to decide what role you want to play, there’s a few examples:

  1. Navy transporter: this sounds easy but it is very important to the country if they are to do well. Basically you just need to build 1-2 schooner/clippers and fill the rest of of ship slots with transports. You can build big transports in Russia/Peru(if we’re playing America/Asia map, check navy guide to see which country offers big transports) at the start of the age. They are good to have because they have more mp, thus can sail further. A transporter must be fast in sailing while making sure all ships stay in convoy when you are moving. People will try to get you and sink your main if you are slow.
  2. Small ships pvper: you don’t need to much gold if you want to pvp small ships only. They are cheaper and need less ticks to build so there should be alot of targets available. However, pvp small ships depends alot on luck, there’s no surprise if you have superb crews on board but losing to a ship with excellents only. You can also help in moving transports when required.
  3. Almost all range pvper: this will depend on how big the range you want to cover. A combination of 40 gun War Galleon, 28 gun Frigate, barque, 14 gun War junk, 12 gun Brig, Clipper/Schooner gives you possibility to hit from schooner to a 64 guns SOTL, or even 74 guns SOTL if it is trained down enough. The only ships you can`t hit are proa, Frigate fleets, and SOTL fleets. This will require quite a number of gold to build the ships and get the crews needed to fully fill all your ships.
  4. Frigate fleet: This kind of player will have all Frigates filling their ships slot. They do not have too many targets available and are rare, depending on ages. 28 guns and 36 guns Frigates are the most popular ones on sea. A skilled Frigate fleeter can even take 2 city forts down.
  5. SOTL fleet: They are fleets with highest number of guns ingame. They primary objective if to kill the city forts and bombard the land army inside the city. But many has become trainer only because they either do not have the time to try to catch land army at harbour, or they are too afraid of losing their ships.(added: or they don't are good in begging over and over again, and therefore don't are able to crew it complete, in that case there is just 1 option left: borring training)
    1. Proa - very good for crew training, cheap.
    2. Schooner - cheap, built in 1 tick, lots of mp.
    3. Galley - high crew|low hull/mp compared to schooner.
    4. Clipper - ship with most mp ingame, can hit ships ranging from schooner to convoy of schooner and 2 merchants|need 2 ticks to build.
    5. 12g Brig - high crew/sail,available from ingame pirates|low hull.
    6. 14g Brig - lower crew/sail|high hull.
    7. 14g War Junk - more crews than 16g WJ, better for boarding enemies’ ship|less hull.
    8. Sloop of War - high crew/hull|lower sail.
    9. Barque -available from ingame pirates.
    10. Corvette - high hull|low crew/sail.
    11. Xebec - good to travel during bad wind,high sail|low hull.
    12. 28g Frigate - frig with most mp, available from ingame pirates|low hull.
    13. 32g Frigate - not ideal in navy pvp, basically worthless and waste time to build.
    14. 36g Frigate - available from ingame pirates, high crew count, good to board War Galleon|low mp.
    15. 40g War Galleon - high hull, good to sink 36g frigs|low crew count, easy to get captured.
    16. Turtleship - high hull and sail|only available in a few countries.
    17. 64g SOTL - available everywhere, SOTL with most mp/sail|doing least damage when bombing land army.
    18. 74g SOTL - high hull/crew|only available in a few countries, lower mp.
    19. 80g SOTL - do most damage during bombarding|only in spain, low mp/hull, expensive.
    • Ship you use:
      You can hit ships with strength ranging from 0.7 to 2.0. If you notice you won’t be able to hit ship with 0.7 strength, train your ship down a little and problem will be solved. It is not wise to hit ships that is much more superior than you, even if it is in 2.0 range, unless the target didn’t crew their ship. If you insists of doing so, try to sink/capture the flagship first, then escape from battle. This way the target’s ships will be seperated and you can hit them 1 by 1.
    • Skill of your crews:
      Normally, players will fill their ships with excellent crews. So unless you are trying to capture ingame pirates’ ships, always crew your ships with excellents or you have no chance to win a pvp at all. It is always important to train your crews to higher level. You can train them buy using proa or merchant if your ship slots if fully filled. Another way to train crews is trying to drag your battle to as many rounds as possible, especially if you are hitting ships without crew. The more rounds your crew battles, the chance of them raising their skill is higher. However, it will be tricky if you hit players’ ship with crew, it’s advisable to finish the battle asap as the longer you go, the higher the chance something bad might happen (such as losing masks, or suddenly your crews aren’t hitting the target) and risk losing.
    • How you crew your ship:
      There is no 100% guide on how you should crew your ship for battle, as you can never anticipate how your enemy crew theirs, it will come with experience. I can only give you a few common situations as guideline.
    • Sinking:
      For 1v1 battles, always fill the ship with 1 sided gun crews only, and fill the rest with sailors. You can also remove support crews and add even more sailors to give you a slightly better chance in completing your task.

      For fleet battles, normally you have to fill your ship with 2 sided gun crews, and the rest with sailors. There are also circustamces where only 1 sided gun crews is needed, such as when your intention is to sink the flagship only, and then hit other ships 1 by 1 after the fleet got disbanded. Having 1 sided gun crews only will increase your chance of sinking the flagship faster, while leaving other ships untouched so you can hit them later. Ships that you’ve hit during battle will have pvp protection for 6 ticks if the enemy did not move the ship or attack again.
    • Capturing:
      For 1v1 battles, crew your ship with 1 sided gun crews, then 3-7 marines, depending on the size of your ship, bigger ships will need more marines as they will encounter more crews during boarding, and the rest with sailors. Once you’re engaged in battle, only concentrate on hitting the target’s sail, then you can try boarding when you have 40+% boarding chances, you can go higher if your ship still has alot of hull, then start praying you will board successfully in the first few tries. You can fail to board 6-7 times and get your ship sunk even if your boarding chance is 50+%, if you’re unlucky.
      Another way is by crewing your ship with purely sailors or sailors+some marines and try boarding once you’re in battle. You must make sure you are the attacker or your ship is gone for sure.

The information on this page comes from:
